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Justin Otero

Justin Otero

A few things you should know...

  1. Founder of

    We're helping businesses grow by providing 360 experiences to showcase their business, properties and products.

    Learn more here

  2. Senior Engineering Manager @ Navan

    Growing the engineering team at Navan on the Expense Platform. Specifically helping companies gain Control and Visibility over their finances.

    Learn more here

  3. Real Estate Investing

    Growing my real estate portfolio in the Reno/Tahoe and Las Vegas area. If you want to chat about analyzing deals, markets, and real estate strategies, that's my jam!

    Scan or click the QR Code above to get in contact

  4. Mentoring and Leadership

    I coach individuals on their career and leadership. Reach out directly or find me at Startup Vegas or Tech Alley in Las Vegas.

    Scan or click the QR Code above to get in contact